WISPR data time for the second encounter: 03-30-2019 to 04-10-2019.
Check data availability at PSP Science Gateway.
The WISPR fits files are available as data products categorized in levels (L1...L3) describing the following processing and calibration steps:
- L1 Level-1: L1 data are de-compressed and oriented so that solar north is (approximately) up. No further calibrations or corrections are applied.
- L2 Level-2: L2 fits files are calibrated in units of Mean-Solar-Brightness (MSB). Furthermore, bias-, stray-light- and vignetting corrections are applied.
- L3 Level-3: Additional to the L2 calibration and correction, a model of the F-corona signal is subtracted to improve the visibility of the K-corona variations.
- L2b
Level-2b: Background models for the full-field WISPR images
are generated individually for every encounter.
CGAUSS data-products:
- mp4 Encounter overview: Videos of different encounters built on the WISPR inner telescope (WIT) L3 images (left panel), running difference images (middle panel). In the right panel of each video is shown the variation of the position of the PSP together with the Sun and the solar system planets.
- mp4 Context: WIT L3 images, running difference images, a plot of the inner solar system objects, and SDO AIA 171, 193, and 211 observations.
- png Single images: Png of the video files.