Coronagraphic German and US Parker Solar Probe Survey

WISPR Fits Data

Within the CGAUSS project, the European data server of the WISPR data is provided. WISPR data are available for the WISPR-Inner (WIT) and WISPR-Outer (WOT) telescopes.

Check data availability at PSP Science Gateway.

First light of the WISPR Telescopes. Credit: NRL

Please note:

For the latest status of data processing please visit the WISPR homepage.

The WISPR fits files are available in different data products categorized in a Level system that describes the number of calibration steps processed:

Zip files of the Levels 2, 3, and Background Models can be downloaded here.

WISPR data are provided by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and can be accessed on the WISPR Homepage.

CGAUSS data-products:


Parker Solar Probe was designed, built, and is now operated by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory as part of NASA’s Living with a Star (LWS) program (contract NNN06AA01C). Support from the LWS management and technical team has played a critical role in the success of the Parker Solar Probe mission.​

The Wide-Field Imager for Parker Solar Probe (WISPR) instrument was designed, built, and is now operated by the US Naval Research Laboratory in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, California Institute of Technology/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, University of Gottingen, Germany, Centre Spatiale de Liege, Belgium and University of Toulouse/Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology.